
~Prana Path~

Finally, the time has come
for you to hear about-

The Full Pranic Process

Sign up for the next zoom meeting

 At this unique meeting, we'll learn how to maintain and prosper with the Pranic nourishment and lifestyle in the long run-
Through the system of "The Full Pranic Process"

Who does this meeting suitable for?

For people who have already heard about Pranic processes and this wonderful way of living

For people that heard about it lately for the first time,
and gets all excited about it

For those who want to understand more about how to
really deepen and prosper in the Pranic way of life

For people who have already gone through a Pranic process

For those who live the Pranic lifestyle, and want to get to their next level

For those who did a process, but because they didn't go through all the full process (which includes preparation, initiation and integration) - It was more difficult for them to maintain the Pranic Path

And the founder of "Prana Path"

My name is Tal Gilboa, 37, from Israel.
On 2/7/2011, I started my Pranic initiation process in Brazil.
At the time, it was one of the old processes, called the "21 Day Process",
that in its first 7 days we don't eat or drink a drop of water!
Yes, it was not simple, to say the least, but at the same time also teaching and empowering beyond what I could ever imagine :)
And at the following two weeks, I drank water, diluted juices, and tea, all of this of course under professional guidance.

The process itself was one of the most significant ones I have ever done in my life!
However, its integration with life was very painful, because I had no support and guidance before or after the process...
Out of the complex pain and challenges it has brought, along with the tremendous gifts and changes this path has given me-
I began more than 10 years ago to guide people on this life-changing journey.
This is how I developed "The Full Pranic Process".

To this day, I've had the privilege of guiding, supporting and mentoring hundreds of people from Israel and all around the world.
Among them is a special person that some of you know- Ray Maor.


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נבנה באמצעות מערכת דפי הנחיתה של רב מסר
